Why us
The certification of management systems with GCSM benefits from:
reduced costs by 25%;
real value added by auditors and professional experts;
information related to the evolution of reference documents, regulations and requirements of management systems, and also of certification by the possibility of accessing the website of GCSM, by invitations to training courses, symposia and conferences organized by GCSM;
informatii referitoare la programele guvernamentale de finantare in vederea certificarii ISO; (information on government programs for financing ISO Certification)
right to use GCSM’s conformity mark for promotional purposes;
inclusion in the data base of the organizations certified by GCSM, publicly available on GCSM’s website.
Reference Standards
SR EN ISO 9001:2008;
SR EN ISO 14001:2005;
SR OHSAS 18001:2008,
SR EN ISO 22000:2005
SA 8000:2008
SR ISO/CEI 27001:2006
Since all standards and requirements of management systems have common principles, make possible the easy integration, so that an organization to be able to satisfy the economic interests, also controlling environmental aspects, occupational health and safety risks, food safety hazards or dangers on the business.
There can be integrated 2, 3 or more management systems.
Certification Benefits
demonstrate the capability of an organization to consistently provide products that satisfy customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements, also controlling environmental impacts, occupational health and safety risks or food safety risks;
maintaining good relations with employees and with the authorities;
permits and finincing facilities;
reduction of accidents involving all types of legal liability;
creating an appropriate attitude towards the environment, occupational health and safety or food safety among employees and suppliers;
promoting awareness on environment, occupational health and safety, food safety or information security among suppliers and all persons working for or on behalf of the organization.