1. Contact with GCSM for more information: address SPL. UNIRII 4 B, 1st staircase, Bucharest, 4th District; telephone/fax: 021/332 01 96; 021/306 02 57; 031/420 24 85; 031/ 420 24 87; mobile phone 0721 342 015, 0748 202 870; e-mail: gcsm@rdsmail.ro
2. Complete a questionnaire for preliminary assessment of your management system and retransmit it to GCSM by fax 021/332 01 96; 306 02 57, e-mail: gcsm@rdsmail.ro, or by post at the above mentioned address.
3. Analyze the price offer sent by GCSM and send your answer
4. Complete the certification request and retransmit it to GCSM
5. Read and sign the certification contract
6. Establish together with GCSM the certification period
7. Analyze the members of the audit team and send your agreement
8. Prepare and make first stage audit (documents analysis and the visit at your headquarters) in order to determine the stage of preparation towards certification
9. Prepare and make certification audit at your headquarters.
10. Elaborate and communicate the audit report
11. Analysis of your file by the Certification Council
12. Certificate granting – availability of 3 years
13. Establish annual surveillance audits – first audit at 10 months from the last day of the certification audit
14. Recertification (contract or additional act) – it can be made also at the last surveillance audit